argus/xacml.h File Reference

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#define PEP_XACML_ERROR   0
 PEP XACML model functions return code ERROR.
#define PEP_XACML_OK   1
 PEP XACML model functions return code OK.


typedef struct xacml_action xacml_action_t
 PEP XACML Action type.
typedef struct xacml_attribute xacml_attribute_t
typedef struct
 PEP XACML AttributeAssignment type.
typedef enum xacml_decision xacml_decision_t
 PEP XACML Result/Decision element constants.
typedef struct xacml_environment xacml_environment_t
 PEP XACML Environment type.
typedef enum xacml_fulfillon xacml_fulfillon_t
 PEP XACML Obligation/@FulfillOn attribute constants.
typedef struct xacml_obligation xacml_obligation_t
 PEP XACML Obligation type.
typedef struct xacml_request xacml_request_t
 PEP XACML Request type.
typedef struct xacml_resource xacml_resource_t
 PEP XACML Resource type.
typedef struct xacml_response xacml_response_t
 PEP XACML Response type.
typedef struct xacml_result xacml_result_t
 PEP XACML Result type.
typedef struct xacml_status xacml_status_t
 PEP XACML Status type.
typedef struct xacml_statuscode xacml_statuscode_t
 PEP XACML StatusCode type.
typedef struct xacml_subject xacml_subject_t



PEP XACML Result/Decision element constants.


PEP XACML Obligation/@FulfillOn attribute constants.



int xacml_action_addattribute (xacml_action_t *action, xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Adds a XACML Attribute to the XACML Action.
size_t xacml_action_attributes_length (const xacml_action_t *action)
 Returns the number of XACML Attribute contained in the XACML Action.
xacml_action_txacml_action_create (void)
 Creates a XACML Action.
void xacml_action_delete (xacml_action_t *action)
 Deletes the XACML Action.
xacml_attribute_txacml_action_getattribute (const xacml_action_t *action, int attr_idx)
 Gets the XACML Attribute from the XACML Action at the given index.
int xacml_attribute_addvalue (xacml_attribute_t *attr, const char *value)
 Adds a value element to the XACML Attribute.
xacml_attribute_txacml_attribute_clone (const xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Clone the XACML Attribute.
xacml_attribute_txacml_attribute_create (const char *id)
 Creates and initializes a XACML Attribute.
void xacml_attribute_delete (xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Deletes the XACML Attribute.
const char * xacml_attribute_getdatatype (const xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Gets the datatype attribute of the XACML Attribute.
const char * xacml_attribute_getid (const xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Gets the id attribute of the XACML Attribute.
const char * xacml_attribute_getissuer (const xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Gets the issuer attribute of the XACML Attribute.
const char * xacml_attribute_getvalue (const xacml_attribute_t *attr, int value_idx)
 Gets the AttributeValue of the XACML Attribute at index.
int xacml_attribute_setdatatype (xacml_attribute_t *attr, const char *datatype)
 Sets the datatype attribute of the XACML Attribute.
int xacml_attribute_setid (xacml_attribute_t *attr, const char *id)
 Sets the id attribute of the XACML Attribute.
int xacml_attribute_setissuer (xacml_attribute_t *attr, const char *issuer)
 Sets the issuer attribute of the XACML Attribute.
size_t xacml_attribute_values_length (const xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Returns the number of AttributeValue in the XACML Attribute.
int xacml_attributeassignment_addvalue (xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr, const char *value)
xacml_attributeassignment_txacml_attributeassignment_create (const char *id)
 Creates a XACML AttributeAssignment.
void xacml_attributeassignment_delete (xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr)
 Deletes the XACML AttributeAssignment.
const char * xacml_attributeassignment_getdatatype (const xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr)
 Gets the XACML AttributeAssignment/@DataType attribute.
const char * xacml_attributeassignment_getid (const xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr)
 Gets the XACML AttributeAssignment/@AttributeId attribute.
const char * xacml_attributeassignment_getvalue (const xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr,...)
 Gets the value from the XACML AttributeAssignment.
int xacml_attributeassignment_setdatatype (xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr, const char *datatype)
 Sets the XACML AttributeAssignment/@DataType attribute.
int xacml_attributeassignment_setid (xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr, const char *id)
 Sets the XACML AttributeAssignment/@AttributeId attribute.
int xacml_attributeassignment_setvalue (xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr, const char *value)
 Sets the value to the XACML AttributeAssignment.
size_t xacml_attributeassignment_values_length (const xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr)
int xacml_environment_addattribute (xacml_environment_t *env, xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Adds a XACML Attribute to the XACML Environment.
size_t xacml_environment_attributes_length (const xacml_environment_t *env)
 Returns the number of XACML Attribute contained in the XACML Environment.
xacml_environment_txacml_environment_create (void)
 Creates a XACML Environment.
void xacml_environment_delete (xacml_environment_t *env)
 Deletes the XACML Environment.
xacml_attribute_txacml_environment_getattribute (const xacml_environment_t *env, int attr_idx)
 Gets the XACML Attribute from the XACML Environment at the given index.
int xacml_obligation_addattributeassignment (xacml_obligation_t *obligation, xacml_attributeassignment_t *attr)
 Adds a XACML AttributeAssignment to the XACML Obligation.
size_t xacml_obligation_attributeassignments_length (const xacml_obligation_t *obligation)
 Returns the number of XACML AttributeAssignment in the XACML Obligation.
xacml_obligation_txacml_obligation_create (const char *id)
 Creates a XACML Obligation.
void xacml_obligation_delete (xacml_obligation_t *obligation)
 Deletes the XACML Obligation.
xacml_attributeassignment_txacml_obligation_getattributeassignment (const xacml_obligation_t *obligation, int attr_idx)
 Gets the XACML AttributeAssignment from the Obligation at the given index.
xacml_fulfillon_t xacml_obligation_getfulfillon (const xacml_obligation_t *obligation)
 Gets the XACML Obligation/@FulfillOn attribute.
const char * xacml_obligation_getid (const xacml_obligation_t *obligation)
 Gets the XACML Obligation/@ObligationId attribute.
int xacml_obligation_setfulfillon (xacml_obligation_t *obligation, xacml_fulfillon_t fulfillon)
 Sets the XACML Obligation/@FulfillOn attribute.
int xacml_obligation_setid (xacml_obligation_t *obligation, const char *id)
 Sets the XACML Obligation/@ObligationId attribute.
int xacml_request_addresource (xacml_request_t *request, xacml_resource_t *resource)
 Adds a XACML Resource to the XACML Request.
int xacml_request_addsubject (xacml_request_t *request, xacml_subject_t *subject)
 Adds a XACML Subject to the XACML Request.
xacml_request_txacml_request_create (void)
 Creates a XACML Request.
void xacml_request_delete (xacml_request_t *request)
 Deletes the XACML Request.
xacml_action_txacml_request_getaction (const xacml_request_t *request)
 Gets a XACML Action of the XACML Request.
xacml_environment_txacml_request_getenvironment (const xacml_request_t *request)
 Gets a XACML Environment of the XACML Request.
xacml_resource_txacml_request_getresource (const xacml_request_t *request, int resource_idx)
 Gets the XACML Resource of the XACML Request at the given index.
xacml_subject_txacml_request_getsubject (const xacml_request_t *request, int subject_idx)
 Gets the XACML Subject of the XACML Request at the given index.
size_t xacml_request_resources_length (const xacml_request_t *request)
 Returns the number of XACML Resource contained in the XACML Request.
int xacml_request_setaction (xacml_request_t *request, xacml_action_t *action)
 Sets a XACML Action for the XACML Request.
int xacml_request_setenvironment (xacml_request_t *request, xacml_environment_t *env)
 Sets a XACML Environment for the XACML Request.
size_t xacml_request_subjects_length (const xacml_request_t *request)
 Returns the number of XACML Subject contained in the XACML Request.
int xacml_resource_addattribute (xacml_resource_t *resource, xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Adds a XACML Attribute to the XACML Resource.
size_t xacml_resource_attributes_length (const xacml_resource_t *resource)
 Returns the number of XACML Attribute contained in the XACML Resource.
xacml_resource_txacml_resource_create (void)
 Creates a XACML Resource.
void xacml_resource_delete (xacml_resource_t *resource)
 Deletes the XACML Resource.
xacml_attribute_txacml_resource_getattribute (const xacml_resource_t *resource, int attr_idx)
 Gets the XACML Attribute from the XACML Resource at the given index.
const char * xacml_resource_getcontent (const xacml_resource_t *resource)
 Gets the XACML Resource/ResourceContent element as string.
int xacml_resource_setcontent (xacml_resource_t *resource, const char *content)
 Sets the XACML Resource/ResourceContent element as string.
int xacml_response_addresult (xacml_response_t *response, xacml_result_t *result)
 Adds a XACML Result associated to the XACML Response.
xacml_response_txacml_response_create (void)
 Creates a XACML Response.
void xacml_response_delete (xacml_response_t *response)
 Deletes the XACML Response.
xacml_request_txacml_response_getrequest (const xacml_response_t *response)
xacml_result_txacml_response_getresult (const xacml_response_t *response, int result_idx)
 Gets the XACML Result from the XACML Response at the given index.
xacml_request_txacml_response_relinquishrequest (xacml_response_t *response)
size_t xacml_response_results_length (const xacml_response_t *response)
 Returns the number of XACML Result in the XACML Response.
int xacml_response_setrequest (xacml_response_t *response, xacml_request_t *request)
int xacml_result_addobligation (xacml_result_t *result, xacml_obligation_t *obligation)
 Adds a XACML Obligation to the XACML Result.
xacml_result_txacml_result_create (void)
 Creates a XACML Result.
void xacml_result_delete (xacml_result_t *result)
 Deletes the XACML Result.
xacml_decision_t xacml_result_getdecision (const xacml_result_t *result)
 Gets the XACML Result/Decision value.
xacml_obligation_txacml_result_getobligation (const xacml_result_t *result, int obligation_idx)
 Gets the XACML Obligation from the XACML Result at the given index.
const char * xacml_result_getresourceid (const xacml_result_t *result)
 Gets the XACML Result/@ResourceId attribute.
xacml_status_txacml_result_getstatus (const xacml_result_t *result)
 Gets the XACML Status from Result.
size_t xacml_result_obligations_length (const xacml_result_t *result)
 Returns the number of XACML Obligation in the XACML Result.
int xacml_result_removeobligation (xacml_result_t *result, int obligation_idx)
 Removes the XACML Obligation from the XACML Result at the given index.
int xacml_result_setdecision (xacml_result_t *result, xacml_decision_t decision)
 Sets the XACML Result/Decision value.
int xacml_result_setresourceid (xacml_result_t *result, const char *resourceid)
 Sets the XACML Result/@ResourceId attribute.
int xacml_result_setstatus (xacml_result_t *result, xacml_status_t *status)
 Sets the XACML Status in the XACML Result.
xacml_status_txacml_status_create (const char *message)
 Creates a XACML Status.
void xacml_status_delete (xacml_status_t *status)
 Deletes the XACML Status.
xacml_statuscode_txacml_status_getcode (const xacml_status_t *status)
 Gets the XACML StatusCode for this XACML Status.
const char * xacml_status_getmessage (const xacml_status_t *status)
 Gets the XACML Status/StatusMessage element (string).
int xacml_status_setcode (xacml_status_t *status, xacml_statuscode_t *statuscode)
 Sets the XACML StatusCode for this XACML Status.
int xacml_status_setmessage (xacml_status_t *status, const char *message)
 Sets the XACML Status/StatusMessage element (string).
xacml_statuscode_txacml_statuscode_create (const char *value)
 Creates a XACML StatusCode.
void xacml_statuscode_delete (xacml_statuscode_t *statuscode)
 Deletes the XACML StatusCode.
xacml_statuscode_txacml_statuscode_getsubcode (const xacml_statuscode_t *statuscode)
 Gets the minor XACML StatusCode for this XACML StatusCode.
const char * xacml_statuscode_getvalue (const xacml_statuscode_t *statuscode)
 Gets the XACML StatusCode/@Value attribute.
int xacml_statuscode_setsubcode (xacml_statuscode_t *statuscode, xacml_statuscode_t *subcode)
 Sets the minor XACML StatusCode for this XACML StatusCode.
int xacml_statuscode_setvalue (xacml_statuscode_t *statuscode, const char *value)
 Sets the XACML StatusCode/@Value attribute.
int xacml_subject_addattribute (xacml_subject_t *subject, xacml_attribute_t *attr)
 Adds a XACML Attribute to the Subject.
size_t xacml_subject_attributes_length (const xacml_subject_t *subject)
 Returns the number of XACML Attribute in the XACML Subject.
xacml_subject_txacml_subject_create (void)
 Creates a XACML Subject.
void xacml_subject_delete (xacml_subject_t *subject)
 Deletes the XACML Subject.
xacml_attribute_txacml_subject_getattribute (const xacml_subject_t *subject, int attr_idx)
 Gets the XACML Attribute from the XACML Subject at index.
const char * xacml_subject_getcategory (const xacml_subject_t *subject)
 Gets the XACML Subject/@SubjectCategory attribute value.
int xacml_subject_setcategory (xacml_subject_t *subject, const char *category)
 Sets the XACML Subject/@SubjectCategory attribute.


static const char XACML_ACTION_ID [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id"
 XACML Action/Attribute action-id identifier (XACML 2.0, B.7).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_ANYURI [] = ""
 XACML data-type anyURI identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_BASE64BINARY [] = ""
 XACML data-type base64Binary identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_BOOLEAN [] = ""
 XACML data-type boolean identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_DATE [] = ""
 XACML data-type date identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_DATETIME [] = ""
 XACML data-type dateTime identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_DAY_TIME_DURATION [] = ""
 XACML data-type dayTimeDuration identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_DNSNAME [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:data-type:dnsName"
 XACML data-type dnsName identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_DOUBLE [] = ""
 XACML data-type double identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_HEXBINARY [] = ""
 XACML data-type hexBinary identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_INTEGER [] = ""
 XACML data-type integer identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_IPADDRESS [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:data-type:ipAddress"
 XACML data-type ipAddress identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_RFC822NAME [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:data-type:rfc822Name"
 XACML data-type rfc822Name identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_STRING [] = ""
 XACML data-type string identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_TIME [] = ""
 XACML data-type time identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_X500NAME [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:data-type:x500Name"
 XACML data-type x500Name identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_DATATYPE_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION [] = ""
 XACML data-type yearMonthDuration identifier (XACML 2.0, B.3).
static const char XACML_ENVIRONMENT_CURRENT_DATE [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:environment:current-date"
 XACML Environment/Attribute current-date identifier (XACML 2.0, B.8).
static const char XACML_ENVIRONMENT_CURRENT_DATETIME [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:environment:current-dateTime"
 XACML Environment/Attribute current-dateTime identifier (XACML 2.0, B.8).
static const char XACML_ENVIRONMENT_CURRENT_TIME [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:environment:current-time"
 XACML Environment/Attribute current-time identifier (XACML 2.0, B.8).
static const char XACML_RESOURCE_ID [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id"
 XACML Resource/Attribute resource-id identifier (XACML 2.0, B.6).
static const char XACML_STATUSCODE_MISSINGATTRIBUTE [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:status:missing-attribute"
 XACML StatusCode/@Value attribute missing-attribute value (XACML 2.0, B.9).
static const char XACML_STATUSCODE_OK [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:status:ok"
 XACML StatusCode/@Value attribute ok value (XACML 2.0, B.9).
static const char XACML_STATUSCODE_PROCESSINGERROR [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:status:processing-error"
 XACML StatusCode/@Value attribute processing-error value (XACML 2.0, B.9).
static const char XACML_STATUSCODE_SYNTAXERROR [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:status:syntax-error"
 XACML StatusCode/@Value attribute syntax-error value (XACML 2.0, B.9).
static const char XACML_SUBJECT_CATEGORY_ACCESS [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject"
 XACML Subject/@SubjectCategory attribute access-subject value (XACML 2.0, B.2).
static const char XACML_SUBJECT_CATEGORY_CODEBASE [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:codebase"
 XACML Subject/@SubjectCategory attribute codebase value (XACML 2.0, B.2).
static const char XACML_SUBJECT_CATEGORY_INTERMEDIARY [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:intermediary-subject"
 XACML Subject/@SubjectCategory attribute intermediary-subject value (XACML 2.0, B.2).
static const char XACML_SUBJECT_CATEGORY_RECIPIENT [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:recipient-subject"
 XACML Subject/@SubjectCategory attribute recipient-subject value (XACML 2.0, B.2).
static const char XACML_SUBJECT_CATEGORY_REQUESTING_MACHINE [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:requesting-machine"
 XACML Subject/@SubjectCategory attribute requesting-machine value (XACML 2.0, B.2).
static const char XACML_SUBJECT_ID [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id"
 XACML Subject/Attribute subject-id identifier (XACML 2.0, B.4).
static const char XACML_SUBJECT_ID_QUALIFIER [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id-qualifier"
 XACML Subject/Attribute subject-id-qualifier identifier (XACML 2.0, B.4).
static const char XACML_SUBJECT_KEY_INFO [] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:key-info"
 XACML Subject/Attribute key-info identifier (XACML 2.0, B.4).

Generated on 29 Apr 2014 for Argus PEP client API by  doxygen 1.6.1