system environment/daemons

argus-pep-server - Argus PEP Server

License: ASL 2.0
Argus PEP (Policy Enforcement Point) Server.
The Argus Authorization Service renders consistent authorization
decisions for distributed services (e.g., user interfaces,
portals, computing elements, storage elements). The service is
based on the XACML standard, and uses authorization policies to
determine if a user is allowed or denied to perform a certain
action on a particular service.
The Argus Authorization Service is composed of three main
- The Policy Administration Point (PAP) provides the tools to
author authorization policies, organize them in the local
repository and configure policy distribution among remote PAPs.
- The Policy Decision Point (PDP) implements the authorization
engine, and is responsible for the evaluation of the authorization
requests against the XACML policies retrieved from the PAP.
- The Policy Enforcement Point Server (PEP Server) ensures the
integrity and consistency of the authorization requests received
from the PEP clients. Lightweight PEP client libraries are also
provided to ease the integration and interoperability with other
EMI services or components.


argus-pep-server-1.7.3-1.el6.centos.noarch [24.2 MiB] Changelog by Mischa Salle (2016-08-03):
- Add two Argus-specific policy info files.
argus-pep-server-1.7.3-0.el6.centos.noarch [24.2 MiB] Changelog by Andrea Ceccanti (2017-01-09):
- Pre-release packaging for 1.7.3
argus-pep-server-1.7.2-1.el6.centos.noarch [24.1 MiB] Changelog by Andrea Ceccanti (2016-05-05):
- Pre-release packaging for 1.7.2

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